Oral Health Care Providers
Dental Medicaid health care providers of Nevada
We have a special opportunity to deliver care to a population of Nevadans that historically have not received adequate dental services. This population does not have a loud voice to demand care in our offices, at the hospital emergency rooms, or with state law makers. In fact, some of them do not have a voice at all. Some of these patients can only indicate they are in pain or discomfort with a grimace or behavior that a caregiver might notice. Nevada Medicaid will be reimbursing services for 2,000 members, who are over 21 years of age, with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD).
Would you help serve these Nevadans by providing dental care to those that suffer and often do so in silence?
This page is intended as a resource for dental providers. Providers that are enrolled as a Medicaid provider can be found on medicaid.nv.gov opens a new window
Oral Health Care Provider Survey
Why We Need You!
However, it is important to be aware of the behavioral, physical, and cognitive challenges that someone with developmental disabilities may have. To help meet the unique oral health needs of people with developmental disabilities, learning the skills and techniques that will help you be successful in delivering care to these patients is key. Below are some general tips opens a new window from the NIH to help you adjust to the special oral health care needs of people with developmental disabilities:
- Determine your patient’s mental capabilities and communication skills. Talk with the patient and their caregivers about how the patient’s abilities might affect oral health care. Be receptive to their thoughts and ideas on how to make the experience a success.
- Set the stage for a successful visit. Involve the entire dental team–from the receptionist to the dental assistant.
- Observe if physical manifestations of the disability(ies) are present. Look for challenges such as uncontrolled body movements or problems with sitting in the dentist’s chair.
- Ask if the patient has an allergy to latex before you begin treatment. Latex allergies can be life threatening.

Disability Specific Informational Fact Sheets

Below are helpful links to informational fact sheets developed by the University of Washington DECOD (Dental Education in the Care of Persons with Disabilities) Program opens a new window that provide an overview of general clinical and oral findings for different conditions and medications commonly used by individuals with ID/DD and the impact the medications may have on oral health.
- ADHD (PDF) opens a new window
- Anxiety (PDF) opens a new window
- Asthma (PDF) opens a new window
- Autism (PDF) opens a new window
- Cerebral Palsy (PDF) opens a new window
- Congenital Cardiac Disorder (PDF) opens a new window
- Depression (PDF) opens a new window
- Diabetes (PDF) opens a new window
- Diabetes II (PDF) opens a new window
- Down Syndrome (PDF) opens a new window
- Eating Disorder (PDF) opens a new window
- Epilepsy (PDF) opens a new window
- Hearing Impaired (PDF) opens a new window
- HIV (PDF) opens a new window
- Intellectual Disability (PDF) opens a new window
- TBI (PDF) opens a new window
Continuing Education Courses/Educational Materials for Dental Professionals
There are also a number of continuing education courses listed below that can help a provider prepare to treat this population.
- Introduction to Patients with Special Healthcare Needs (PDF) opens a new window A resource guide by Allen Wong, DDS EDD and William Sands, DDS. Understanding the process of providing dental care to the patients with special healthcare needs will lead to respect for the individual and reveal the need for building a team approach that facilitates successful results.
- Explore proven strategies you can use before, during, and after appointments with autistic patients in CareQuest Institute’s new self-paced online course, “Providing Oral Health Care to Autistic Individuals. opens a new window ” Earn 1 free ADA CERP credit.
- Another new online course from CareQuest Institute “Caring for Individuals with Disabilities: Practical Considerations for Dental Providers opens a new window ” explores recognized disabilities and their impact on oral health care, helping you and your dental team provide inclusive, patient-centered, and high-quality dental care to individuals with disabilities. Earn 1 free ADA CERP credit.
- Delta Dental – Continuing Education for Dental Health Professionals opens a new window With support from the Delta Dental Foundation, Penn Dental Medicine has established a free continuing education series aimed at building awareness of the barriers to equitable oral health care for individuals with disabilities, and developing competency to provide oral health care to this vulnerable population.
- Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Mouth Matters Session 2 opens a new window CEUs are available for dental hygienists, dentists, and other health professionals. View the recorded webinar here opens a new window . To access the webinar please click the top bar dated June 10th, labeled “SoD-Mouth Matters Webinars.” If you would like to receive CDEs, please visit ohsu.edu/cde opens a new window and register for the course.
- Free Modules on Special Care Dentistry – T. Still University Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health in collaboration with the University of California San Diego School of Medicine proudly offer 10 professional development modules on special care dentistry. Create an account and access these 10 FREE continuing education courses opens a new window.
- Oral Health for People with Special Needs On-Line Education Course opens a new window (Special Care Dentistry Association) – A 16-CE credit self-paced online learning program. $350 for SCDA members, $450 for nonmembers.
- Special Care Advocates in Dentistry Professional Modules opens a new window (free) 15 modules using an article-like format covering a variety of areas in special care dentistry.
- Special Care opens a new window: An Oral Health Professional’s Guide to Serving Children with Special Health Care Needs. This series of five modules is designed to provide oral health professionals with information to help ensure that children with special health care needs have access to health promotion and disease prevention services that address their unique oral health needs in a comprehensive, family-centered, and community-based manner.

A series from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) on providing oral care for people with mild or moderate developmental disabilities.
- Wheelchair Transfer A Health Care Provider’s Guide (PDF) opens a new window This information can make a difference in your efforts to provide oral health care for patients who use a wheelchair.
- Practical Oral Care for People with Developmental Disabilities (PDF) opens a new window By adopting the strategies discussed in this booklet, you can have a significant impact not only on your patients’ oral health, but on their quality of life as well.
- Practical Oral Care for People With Intellectual Disability (PDF) opens a new window Providing oral care to people with intellectual disability requires adaptation of the skills you use everyday. In fact, most people with mild or moderate intellectual disability can be treated successfully in the general practice setting.
- Practical Oral Care for People With Down Syndrome (PDF) opens a new window Early professional treatment and daily oral care at home can allow people with down syndrome to enjoy a healthy mouth
- Practical Oral Care for People With Cerebral Palsy (PDF) opens a new window Cerebral palsy itself does not cause any unique oral abnormalities. However, several conditions are more common or more severe in people with cerebral palsy than in the general population.
- Practical Oral care for People with Autism (PDF) opens a new window Making a difference in the oral health of a person with autism may go slowly at first, but determination can bring positive results and invaluable rewards.
Tips, Insights and Best Practices
- Best Practice Approach: Oral Health Care of People with Special Health Care Needs (PDF) opens a new window This report is the result of efforts by the ASTDD Best Practices Committee to identify and provide information on developing successful practices that address people with special health care needs.
- HELEN: The Journal of Human Exceptionality opens a new window Easy-to-read articles about inclusive health for people with different abilities and their family members.
- Specialized Care Company opens a new window Founded by a former manager with Johnson & Johnson, this company designs and manufactures products that make dental care safer and more comfortable for children and adults with special healthcare needs.
- Sensory Health opens a new window CEO Ben Hudson creates immersive, sensory-modulated spaces in exam and waiting rooms, and works directly with providers to deliver evidence-based training to help them better serve patients with disabilities.
- Armor Dental Products opens a new window Creator and manufacturer of soft-retraction dental instruments. Soft retraction, a new concept in dentistry, helps reduce patient anxiety, pain, infections and complications.
Helpful Videos
Dental Care for Children and Adults with DD: Special Considerations
Allen Wong, DDS, EdD, DABSCD Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry Professor and Director AEGD Program; Global Clinical Advisor, Special Olympics Special Smiles Program.
Dental Care for Patients with Autism, with Dr. Allen Wong, Part 2
Allen Wong, DDS. access to care, lack of clinical resources for adults, disincentives for practitioners to treat this population, and questions about anesthesia.
Neurodiversity at the Dentist, with Dr. Allen Wong
Dr. Wong discusses the importance of dentists understanding neurodiversity, and options for how patients with sensory issues can have successful visits to the dentist.
Oral Health Instructions for Special Needs Patients
Dr. Jacob Dent presents his best practices for providing excellent care for special needs patients. Office set up, patient scheduling, and customized individual treatment.
Autism Spectrum Disorder & Dental Care Webinar
A webinar on autism and dental care for dental hygienist and dental assistant students. Recognize characteristics of ASD, dental & parental concerns, ABA, office visits.
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